I will be dropping the "mommysavingmoola" name and sticking with "orv" which is what most of you know me by already. I want to thank you all for your patience, and support! I hope you continue to follow me on my quest for savings! PS. A little birdie told me there could be a giveaway soon!
Thursday, May 12, 2011
Formerly known as Mommysavingmoola
So as most of you know who have been following me, I am a newbie in the blogging world, and I have found that blog.com just simply wasn't working out for me. There was a lot I didn't know how to do, and they just simply didn't have enough options. Not the ones I wanted anyway. After a couple days of "extreme blog makeover" I have added a few new touches, and a completely revamped the theme for your viewing/reading pleasure. From now on, this is where I will be making my posts.
I will be dropping the "mommysavingmoola" name and sticking with "orv" which is what most of you know me by already. I want to thank you all for your patience, and support! I hope you continue to follow me on my quest for savings! PS. A little birdie told me there could be a giveaway soon!
I will be dropping the "mommysavingmoola" name and sticking with "orv" which is what most of you know me by already. I want to thank you all for your patience, and support! I hope you continue to follow me on my quest for savings! PS. A little birdie told me there could be a giveaway soon!
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Monthly savings
It's that time again! I am here to report my monthly savings for April 2011. I found some pretty great deals this month, and I got a lot of GREAT coupons off the items I purchased. So keep your eyes peeled for coupons on the boxes, because who doesn't like FREE stuff??? This months coupon savings total (not including sale prices, gift cards redeemed, mail in rebates etc.) JUST coupons, Was a whopping $168.64 !!! That is $568.38 since January of this year, 4 SHORT MONTHS! I also got to add quite a few things to my stockpile! I have said it once, and I'll say it again... I LOVE COUPONS!!!
Have I mentioned how much I love shopping..and saving?
Yesterday was a very blah day, rain is one of my mortal enemies. So my friend and I decided to take a trip up to wally world, I needed milk and bread and I only brought 16$ with me. We must have spent a good hour in the store just browsing around, and I really wanted to try out the new policy. It states if your coupon value exceeds the price of the item, you can either be credited the difference to your basket of items, OR you can receive it as change back(Yes, they PAYyou) Here is a break down of what I picked up:
1x betty crocker frosting @ $1.50 - $1.00 coupon = .50 cents
1x Pampers splashers @ $3.00 - $3.00 coupon = FREE
1x Colgate dora electric toothbrush @ $5.00 -$ 5.00 coupon = FREE
2x Michelinas grande (1lb) @ $3.77 - 2x FPC = FREE
2x Pillbury cresents@ $1.27 - $1.00 coupon = .27 cents each
2x ste ives scrubs @ $1.00 - 2x $1.00 = FREE
2x Nivea creams @ $1.00 - 2x $2.00 = MADE $2.00!!!
1x fruit 2 go @ .40 cents - .30 = .10 cents
1x KY play @ $19.97 - FPC = FREE
4x Adidas deodorant @ $2.27 - 4x $2.00 = .27 cents each
1x Smart 16 bread @ $2.50... no coupon
2x Travel size Olay lotions @ $1.50 each - $5.00 wub 2 = MADE $2.00!!!
Total before coupons = 64.77
Total after coupons = $1.16
+tax OOP= $6.69
I also had to stop and grab the milk from sobeys
1x Milk @ $1.80 no coupon
1x Mccain curly fries @ $3.49 - FPC =FREE
1x Bear paws cookies @3.49 - FPC = FREE
1x JUMBO box of kellogs poptarts @ $7.99 - FPC = FREE
2x Scotties envirocare kleenex @ $1.29 each - 2x $1.00 - .29 cents each
1x Lays chips @ $2.50....no coupon
Total OOP = 7.51
Daily OOP(everything in the picture) = $14.20
Shopping mission = success!!!
1x betty crocker frosting @ $1.50 - $1.00 coupon = .50 cents
1x Pampers splashers @ $3.00 - $3.00 coupon = FREE
1x Colgate dora electric toothbrush @ $5.00 -$ 5.00 coupon = FREE
2x Michelinas grande (1lb) @ $3.77 - 2x FPC = FREE
2x Pillbury cresents@ $1.27 - $1.00 coupon = .27 cents each
2x ste ives scrubs @ $1.00 - 2x $1.00 = FREE
2x Nivea creams @ $1.00 - 2x $2.00 = MADE $2.00!!!
1x fruit 2 go @ .40 cents - .30 = .10 cents
1x KY play @ $19.97 - FPC = FREE
4x Adidas deodorant @ $2.27 - 4x $2.00 = .27 cents each
1x Smart 16 bread @ $2.50... no coupon
2x Travel size Olay lotions @ $1.50 each - $5.00 wub 2 = MADE $2.00!!!
Total before coupons = 64.77
Total after coupons = $1.16
+tax OOP= $6.69
I also had to stop and grab the milk from sobeys
1x Milk @ $1.80 no coupon
1x Mccain curly fries @ $3.49 - FPC =FREE
1x Bear paws cookies @3.49 - FPC = FREE
1x JUMBO box of kellogs poptarts @ $7.99 - FPC = FREE
2x Scotties envirocare kleenex @ $1.29 each - 2x $1.00 - .29 cents each
1x Lays chips @ $2.50....no coupon
Total OOP = 7.51
Daily OOP(everything in the picture) = $14.20
Shopping mission = success!!!
A few days of smokin hot deals!
I have done a little bit of shopping here and there over the past two days, and I got some REALLY great deals that I just HAD to share with you guys!
Yesterday I took a friend of mine shopping with me, we went to a couple stores and it was her first real "couponing" shopping experience. She had never seen it done before, so off to Zellers we went. She needed makeup, and I wanted to do what any real couponer does, browse the CLEARANCE section!!! LOL I also gave my friend a coupon for 3$ off any 2 covergirl product which she thought was just GREAT! Here is what I got at zellers:
2x Crest pro health @ $2.00 each. Minus FPC = FREE
1 L'Oreal paris studio hair spray REG. 6.49. Clearance @ $3.00 Minus 2.00 coupon = $1.00
1 Betty crocker cake frosting(not in picture) @ 1.49 Minus $1.00 coupon = .49 Cents
Total with taxes = $2.40
Next stop, SOBEYS! I told my friend I only had 20$ with me and my total ran up into the 50$ mark. She looked scared. At the end of my transaction her and the cashier both joked about how they felt like they were on the "extreme couponers" show. LOL
2x Post cereal @ $4.49 Minus 2x $1.00 = $3.49 each (both come with FREE ice cream up to 5$ ANY brand coupons!)
2x Hamburger Helper @ $2.69 Minus 2x $1.00 = 1.69 each (both come with $3.00 off Ground beef coupons!)
2x 1 lbs Ground Beef @ $3.17 Minus 2x $3.00 off when you buy hamburger helper = .34 CENTS
1x Tub of Ice cream @ $3.99 Minus FPC = FREE
1x Betty crocker scallop potatoes @ $2.69 Minus $1.00 = $1.69
3x Minigo yogurt @ .99 Minus 3x $1.00 coupons = FREE +.03 ! (made 3 cents!!!!)
1x 350ct Huggies wipes refills(Big box) @ $15.99 Minus FPC = FREE
1x Swipper wet Refill @ $3.99 Minus $1.50 = $2.49
Everything in the picture cost me 19$ but I also got 2 coupons for FREE ice cream and 2 coupons for 3$ off more ground beef out of the shopping trip!!! You can't beat that! My daughter is the lovely model in the picture, she wanted to be with my "stuff" LOL <3
What is coupon Etiquette
When I first started couponing about 2 short years ago, I was overwhelmed with everything there is to learn. I didn't know there was a "right" and "wrong" way to coupon. In fact I new little on the subject at all. It's a lot to take in when you are first starting out, and it scares some people off. With all the hype on the new TV series "Extreme Couponers" I thought this would be a great time to go over some of the "rules" of couponing. As I do NOT condone what some of the women on that show have done.
1- Shelf clearing. Personally, It's not something I agree with unless there is only 3-4 items left. Taking 50-100 of one item and clearing the shelf is not only selfish, but greedy. When the shelf is cleared, nobody else can buy that item until it is restocked(if they even have more) and besides do you really need 100 mustard?deodorant?shampoo? Take some, and leave some for the rest. If you need 100 of one item, try going to different stores, or calling ahead to the manager and asking if they have extra stock to accommodate your purchase. There is nothing I hate more than knowing about a good sale, getting to the store and seeing the shelf empty.
2- Tear pads. Throughout stores, you may notice tear pads of coupons hanging on shelves. These are available to any customers who wish to take some. Key word there is SOME. There are people who take entire pads, which leaves nothing for the next shopper was looking to get a deal. You should only take as many as you can use before they expire. And in some cases, a few extra if you trade or give to family/friends. Under no circumstance should you take an entire pad unless the store TELLS you to take it. Sometimes they do this if they are close to expiry or if they have a new batch coming in.
3- Organization. It's simple, if you plan to be a couponer, you HAVE to be organized. Nobody wants to stand behind someone in line who is fumbling through there purse looking for their coupons, points cards, money etc. It's best to plan your shopping trips ahead of time, so you can have everything you need organized before you go. It makes shopping trips a lot more tolerable and will be beneficial to you, the cashier and others customers in the long run. Scour the weekly flyers, make a list, gather any coupons you plan on using and have them separate. I always bring my whole folder just in case I see something not advertised, but I have all my coupons and items organized once they are on the belt.
4- Coupon fraud. This is a topic very much in the lime light at the moment, in regards to TLC's "Extreme couponer" and one of the women using coupons fraudulently on national television. There are a lot of ways a coupon can be misused, and most coupons state in writing " misuse of this coupon constitutes as fraud" That being said, if you knowingly misuse a coupon you ARE breaking the law. It's not any different than stealing. Don't print a million copies of an online coupon, or photo copy them. If a coupon is expired, or for a specific brand/size, PLEASE don't try and pull a fast one on the cashier. Stores are not reimbursed for coupons accepted on wrong products. Therefor they lose money, and in turn change there policies which hurt all couponers in the end. There are plenty of deals and coupons out there to get substantial discounts. So there is no need to try and cheat the system.
5- Coupon Fairy. If you are in a store, and see something on sale that you have a coupon for but will never use. Feel free to leave it in a noticeable location near the item. Someone is bound to take advantage of the savings, and you get the benefit of knowing you helped someone.
So there you have it, a few tips and my opinions on what you SHOULD and SHOULDN'T do as a couponer.
1- Shelf clearing. Personally, It's not something I agree with unless there is only 3-4 items left. Taking 50-100 of one item and clearing the shelf is not only selfish, but greedy. When the shelf is cleared, nobody else can buy that item until it is restocked(if they even have more) and besides do you really need 100 mustard?deodorant?shampoo? Take some, and leave some for the rest. If you need 100 of one item, try going to different stores, or calling ahead to the manager and asking if they have extra stock to accommodate your purchase. There is nothing I hate more than knowing about a good sale, getting to the store and seeing the shelf empty.
2- Tear pads. Throughout stores, you may notice tear pads of coupons hanging on shelves. These are available to any customers who wish to take some. Key word there is SOME. There are people who take entire pads, which leaves nothing for the next shopper was looking to get a deal. You should only take as many as you can use before they expire. And in some cases, a few extra if you trade or give to family/friends. Under no circumstance should you take an entire pad unless the store TELLS you to take it. Sometimes they do this if they are close to expiry or if they have a new batch coming in.
3- Organization. It's simple, if you plan to be a couponer, you HAVE to be organized. Nobody wants to stand behind someone in line who is fumbling through there purse looking for their coupons, points cards, money etc. It's best to plan your shopping trips ahead of time, so you can have everything you need organized before you go. It makes shopping trips a lot more tolerable and will be beneficial to you, the cashier and others customers in the long run. Scour the weekly flyers, make a list, gather any coupons you plan on using and have them separate. I always bring my whole folder just in case I see something not advertised, but I have all my coupons and items organized once they are on the belt.
4- Coupon fraud. This is a topic very much in the lime light at the moment, in regards to TLC's "Extreme couponer" and one of the women using coupons fraudulently on national television. There are a lot of ways a coupon can be misused, and most coupons state in writing " misuse of this coupon constitutes as fraud" That being said, if you knowingly misuse a coupon you ARE breaking the law. It's not any different than stealing. Don't print a million copies of an online coupon, or photo copy them. If a coupon is expired, or for a specific brand/size, PLEASE don't try and pull a fast one on the cashier. Stores are not reimbursed for coupons accepted on wrong products. Therefor they lose money, and in turn change there policies which hurt all couponers in the end. There are plenty of deals and coupons out there to get substantial discounts. So there is no need to try and cheat the system.
5- Coupon Fairy. If you are in a store, and see something on sale that you have a coupon for but will never use. Feel free to leave it in a noticeable location near the item. Someone is bound to take advantage of the savings, and you get the benefit of knowing you helped someone.
So there you have it, a few tips and my opinions on what you SHOULD and SHOULDN'T do as a couponer.
Monthly savings
I know I'm a bit early with my monthly savings update, but I shouldn't have to do much more shopping this month. I have everything I need and THEN some!. Which is GREAT because it seems just months ago, I was wondering how I was going to get groceries next week. It's a wonderful feeling. This month my coupon saving total was: 181.00$ holy cripes! That is 399$ since January!!!! The numbers still shock me. It's really amazing the amount of money I am SAVING, yet my cupboards are full and I have extras!
Here is a picture of my teeny stockpile.
Here is a picture of my teeny stockpile.
I should be clean for a while... Olay!
I love my uncle by the way because he brought me shopping, and he took me to PHARMASAVE.
I was planning on using debit and the only money I had on me was 6.75$ in change(2 toonies and a bunch of quarters.. awesome lol) As soon as I walk in the door, the lady says "are you paying in cash? because our debit is down" ....what??
lol so I say "ok thats fine
" and start searching the store.
I wanted some KD (2 for 1$) but I didn't remember until I got to the cash and a family had like 40 boxes and was asking the cashier when they were getting more, so I am assuming they cleared the shelf, and with the line up, I didn't bother going to check lol. (loving uncle was waiting for me in the truck)
So I find the body wash, and see the tag "2.49$" and I instantly
I grab 8 bottles, and turn around and see the bounty paper towel on for 1.50(something I can't remember) packs of 2! So, I grab to packs and head to the cash.
She starts ringing my things in, and a line forms instantly. Great. With the systems being down, apparently the register was wonky as well, because she rang everything in like 4 or 5 times..
After about 15 minutes
she got it all sorted out and I paid 5.56$(3.56$ of that was tax) And, right now while I am typing this, I see I didn't even pay for the bounty
. She must have not rung it in the 20th time she rescanned everything. Crap.. now I feel bad....
Anyways, this turned into a novel, so here is the breakdown of the coupons used
2x 7.00$ wub(when you buy) 3 olay,secret,venus
1x 4.00 wub 2 olay,secret
1x 1.25 wub 2 bounty that I apparently didnt use or pay for?
PS the secret were free at atlantic super store... 1.99 each. I had another $7.00 wub 3 and $4.00 wub 2 coupon. They entered them both for there full amount so.. I made 1.05!.. =)
I was planning on using debit and the only money I had on me was 6.75$ in change(2 toonies and a bunch of quarters.. awesome lol) As soon as I walk in the door, the lady says "are you paying in cash? because our debit is down" ....what??
I wanted some KD (2 for 1$) but I didn't remember until I got to the cash and a family had like 40 boxes and was asking the cashier when they were getting more, so I am assuming they cleared the shelf, and with the line up, I didn't bother going to check lol. (loving uncle was waiting for me in the truck)
So I find the body wash, and see the tag "2.49$" and I instantly
I grab 8 bottles, and turn around and see the bounty paper towel on for 1.50(something I can't remember) packs of 2! So, I grab to packs and head to the cash.
She starts ringing my things in, and a line forms instantly. Great. With the systems being down, apparently the register was wonky as well, because she rang everything in like 4 or 5 times..
After about 15 minutes
Anyways, this turned into a novel, so here is the breakdown of the coupons used
2x 7.00$ wub(when you buy) 3 olay,secret,venus
1x 4.00 wub 2 olay,secret
1x 1.25 wub 2 bounty that I apparently didnt use or pay for?
PS the secret were free at atlantic super store... 1.99 each. I had another $7.00 wub 3 and $4.00 wub 2 coupon. They entered them both for there full amount so.. I made 1.05!.. =)
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