
Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Do you ever wonder where your disposable income is going?  A lot of people don't realize you can save hundreds, THOUSANDS even, just by making slight adjustments to regular routine/life style.  I have compiled a list of 50 ways you can save money. Happy Saving!

1- Cut out things that aren't a necessity(I personally don't have cable, and I only use a cell phone, the internet is my best friend.)

2- Don't grocery shop hungry, it leads to unnecessary purchases, and their usually junk food.

3-  Pack a lunch.  Whether your in school, or go to work, bring your lunch from home. Five dollars a day is 25$ a week.  Face it, eating out ISN'T cheap.

4- Wash laundry in cold water. Hang clothes to dry. This will save your power bill.

5- Use Coupons, flyers, and sales to buy your everyday items as cheaply as possible.

6- Always grocery shop with a list.  Nobody wants to buy things they don't need.

7- Don't pay to rent movies, check out your local library, there selection will surprise you, and it's FREE.

8- Set a Budget and STICK TO IT! Envelopes work great. Make categories and put the budgeted amount of cash in each envelope. One for rent, one for bills, one for food, one for entertainment etc. Don't borrow cash from one envie to another.

9- Avoid fast food.

10- Switch to energy saver lights. They are safer, and save money.

11- Carpool to work. You can share the gas expense, and save millage on your vehicle

12- Remember to shut your electronics when they aren't in use. (Lights, tv's, computers etc)

13- Buy things second hand. You would be surprised what you can find at a thrift stores!

14- Winter, open your curtains during the day = Free heat. (Given it's sunny) Summer, open your windows at night = cool air.

15- Old toothbrush = Mini scrub brush

16- Buy fruits in season.

17-  Take advantage of reward programs. (Airmiles, HBC, Optimum etc) They all add up!

18- Instead of tossing ripped clothing, Sew them!

19- Give up expensive habbits(Drugs, Alcohol, Cigarettes, Gambling etc.)

20- Shop with CASH ONLY. Don't use credit card unless you plan to pay them off immediately.

21- Price match. A lot of stores will match a competitors advertised price if you bring in the flyer. So you don't need to shop at 10 stores, you get the cheapest price at one store. Saving gas, and time.

22- Holiday shop, immediately after holidays.  Everything is discounted, and it will save you money when next year rolls around.

23- Save left overs, and actually EAT them.

24- Invest in a Deep Freeze.  This will allow you to stock up on frozen goods when you see a good sale.

25- Find family activities that are free.  Picnics at the park, nature hikes in the woods, tobogganing, camping etc.

26- Grow your own fruits and vegetables.  It doesn't cost much to make your own little garden.  It's nice to KNOW what your eating, and you can for a fraction of the cost you would spend buying the veggies at the grocery store.

27- Use public transportation. It's cheap, and eco friendly.

28- Regularly check the free section on Kijiji.  People are constantly getting rid of things in perfect condition just because they upgrade. Or, if you need to buy something specific, try posting an add.  You never know what someone might have for cheap!

29- Sell your old clothes/toys, to purchase new ones. Out with the old, in with the new without hurting your pocket.

30- Keep your car up to date. Regular oil change/tune ups will increase your gas milage.

31- Take advantage of your Mail In Rebates.  Who doesn't want their money back for the cost of a postage stamp?

32- Make sure you check your receipts.  A lot of stores items could be priced incorrectly, or scan items twice, or don't deduct coupons.  If you notice something wrong on you receipt, bring it back and ask them to adjust the error. Nobody wants to pay more then the items price tag.

33- Invest in reusable bags.  Most stores charge for plastic bags now, and not only do reusable ones hold a lot more, they last a LONG time, and they are eco friendly.

34- Pay your bills on time. Late fees and interest gets costly.

35- Shop at local farmers markets for cheap fresh produce.

36- Instead of buying single cups of coffee(Tim Hortons, Starbucks), make it at home and bring a thermas cup.

37- Buy meat on sale and freeze it immediately.

38- Water & Vinegar makes a great window/mirror cleaner.

39- Before you make an extreme purchase, sleep on it.  You might not feel you need it as badly the next day.

40- Check the clearance racks in all stores.  You never know what can be there for next to nothing.

41- If something is broken, try researching how to fix it yourself before calling a professional. It could be something simple you can do youself.

42- Make a change jar.  Any change you have at the end of the day, put into this jar.  Watch how fast it fills up!

43- Cook and bake from scratch. Way cheaper and better for you.

44- Cancel unused memberships/subscriptions.  If your don't read the paper or you haven't been to the gym in months, stop paying for it!

45- Try negotiating a lower interest rate with your credit card company.

46- Make your own bread. This can save you a fortune.

47- If you have a swiffer sweeper or wet jet, use micro fiber clothes from the dollar store, they work as well as swipper pads, and if you use pliers, you can remove the lid to you wet jet solution, and refill it with your own cleaner.

48- Eat right, exercise and stay healthy.  Good health keeps away medical bills related to illness.

49- Make your own birthday/holiday/thank your cards.

50- Deposit 10% of your net income into a savings account


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