I have done a little bit of shopping here and there over the past two days, and I got some REALLY great deals that I just HAD to share with you guys!
Yesterday I took a friend of mine shopping with me, we went to a couple stores and it was her first real "couponing" shopping experience. She had never seen it done before, so off to Zellers we went. She needed makeup, and I wanted to do what any real couponer does, browse the CLEARANCE section!!! LOL I also gave my friend a coupon for 3$ off any 2 covergirl product which she thought was just GREAT! Here is what I got at zellers:
2x Crest pro health @ $2.00 each. Minus FPC = FREE
1 L'Oreal paris studio hair spray REG. 6.49. Clearance @ $3.00 Minus 2.00 coupon = $1.00
1 Betty crocker cake frosting(not in picture) @ 1.49 Minus $1.00 coupon = .49 Cents
Total with taxes = $2.40
Next stop, SOBEYS! I told my friend I only had 20$ with me and my total ran up into the 50$ mark. She looked scared. At the end of my transaction her and the cashier both joked about how they felt like they were on the "extreme couponers" show. LOL
2x Post cereal @ $4.49 Minus 2x $1.00 = $3.49 each (both come with FREE ice cream up to 5$ ANY brand coupons!)
2x Hamburger Helper @ $2.69 Minus 2x $1.00 = 1.69 each (both come with $3.00 off Ground beef coupons!)
2x 1 lbs Ground Beef @ $3.17 Minus 2x $3.00 off when you buy hamburger helper = .34 CENTS
1x Tub of Ice cream @ $3.99 Minus FPC = FREE
1x Betty crocker scallop potatoes @ $2.69 Minus $1.00 = $1.69
3x Minigo yogurt @ .99 Minus 3x $1.00 coupons = FREE +.03 ! (made 3 cents!!!!)
1x 350ct Huggies wipes refills(Big box) @ $15.99 Minus FPC = FREE
1x Swipper wet Refill @ $3.99 Minus $1.50 = $2.49
Everything in the picture cost me 19$ but I also got 2 coupons for FREE ice cream and 2 coupons for 3$ off more ground beef out of the shopping trip!!! You can't beat that! My daughter is the lovely model in the picture, she wanted to be with my "stuff" LOL <3
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