I will be dropping the "mommysavingmoola" name and sticking with "orv" which is what most of you know me by already. I want to thank you all for your patience, and support! I hope you continue to follow me on my quest for savings! PS. A little birdie told me there could be a giveaway soon!
Thursday, May 12, 2011
Formerly known as Mommysavingmoola
So as most of you know who have been following me, I am a newbie in the blogging world, and I have found that blog.com just simply wasn't working out for me. There was a lot I didn't know how to do, and they just simply didn't have enough options. Not the ones I wanted anyway. After a couple days of "extreme blog makeover" I have added a few new touches, and a completely revamped the theme for your viewing/reading pleasure. From now on, this is where I will be making my posts.
I will be dropping the "mommysavingmoola" name and sticking with "orv" which is what most of you know me by already. I want to thank you all for your patience, and support! I hope you continue to follow me on my quest for savings! PS. A little birdie told me there could be a giveaway soon!
I will be dropping the "mommysavingmoola" name and sticking with "orv" which is what most of you know me by already. I want to thank you all for your patience, and support! I hope you continue to follow me on my quest for savings! PS. A little birdie told me there could be a giveaway soon!
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Monthly savings
It's that time again! I am here to report my monthly savings for April 2011. I found some pretty great deals this month, and I got a lot of GREAT coupons off the items I purchased. So keep your eyes peeled for coupons on the boxes, because who doesn't like FREE stuff??? This months coupon savings total (not including sale prices, gift cards redeemed, mail in rebates etc.) JUST coupons, Was a whopping $168.64 !!! That is $568.38 since January of this year, 4 SHORT MONTHS! I also got to add quite a few things to my stockpile! I have said it once, and I'll say it again... I LOVE COUPONS!!!
Have I mentioned how much I love shopping..and saving?
Yesterday was a very blah day, rain is one of my mortal enemies. So my friend and I decided to take a trip up to wally world, I needed milk and bread and I only brought 16$ with me. We must have spent a good hour in the store just browsing around, and I really wanted to try out the new policy. It states if your coupon value exceeds the price of the item, you can either be credited the difference to your basket of items, OR you can receive it as change back(Yes, they PAYyou) Here is a break down of what I picked up:
1x betty crocker frosting @ $1.50 - $1.00 coupon = .50 cents
1x Pampers splashers @ $3.00 - $3.00 coupon = FREE
1x Colgate dora electric toothbrush @ $5.00 -$ 5.00 coupon = FREE
2x Michelinas grande (1lb) @ $3.77 - 2x FPC = FREE
2x Pillbury cresents@ $1.27 - $1.00 coupon = .27 cents each
2x ste ives scrubs @ $1.00 - 2x $1.00 = FREE
2x Nivea creams @ $1.00 - 2x $2.00 = MADE $2.00!!!
1x fruit 2 go @ .40 cents - .30 = .10 cents
1x KY play @ $19.97 - FPC = FREE
4x Adidas deodorant @ $2.27 - 4x $2.00 = .27 cents each
1x Smart 16 bread @ $2.50... no coupon
2x Travel size Olay lotions @ $1.50 each - $5.00 wub 2 = MADE $2.00!!!
Total before coupons = 64.77
Total after coupons = $1.16
+tax OOP= $6.69
I also had to stop and grab the milk from sobeys
1x Milk @ $1.80 no coupon
1x Mccain curly fries @ $3.49 - FPC =FREE
1x Bear paws cookies @3.49 - FPC = FREE
1x JUMBO box of kellogs poptarts @ $7.99 - FPC = FREE
2x Scotties envirocare kleenex @ $1.29 each - 2x $1.00 - .29 cents each
1x Lays chips @ $2.50....no coupon
Total OOP = 7.51
Daily OOP(everything in the picture) = $14.20
Shopping mission = success!!!
1x betty crocker frosting @ $1.50 - $1.00 coupon = .50 cents
1x Pampers splashers @ $3.00 - $3.00 coupon = FREE
1x Colgate dora electric toothbrush @ $5.00 -$ 5.00 coupon = FREE
2x Michelinas grande (1lb) @ $3.77 - 2x FPC = FREE
2x Pillbury cresents@ $1.27 - $1.00 coupon = .27 cents each
2x ste ives scrubs @ $1.00 - 2x $1.00 = FREE
2x Nivea creams @ $1.00 - 2x $2.00 = MADE $2.00!!!
1x fruit 2 go @ .40 cents - .30 = .10 cents
1x KY play @ $19.97 - FPC = FREE
4x Adidas deodorant @ $2.27 - 4x $2.00 = .27 cents each
1x Smart 16 bread @ $2.50... no coupon
2x Travel size Olay lotions @ $1.50 each - $5.00 wub 2 = MADE $2.00!!!
Total before coupons = 64.77
Total after coupons = $1.16
+tax OOP= $6.69
I also had to stop and grab the milk from sobeys
1x Milk @ $1.80 no coupon
1x Mccain curly fries @ $3.49 - FPC =FREE
1x Bear paws cookies @3.49 - FPC = FREE
1x JUMBO box of kellogs poptarts @ $7.99 - FPC = FREE
2x Scotties envirocare kleenex @ $1.29 each - 2x $1.00 - .29 cents each
1x Lays chips @ $2.50....no coupon
Total OOP = 7.51
Daily OOP(everything in the picture) = $14.20
Shopping mission = success!!!
A few days of smokin hot deals!
I have done a little bit of shopping here and there over the past two days, and I got some REALLY great deals that I just HAD to share with you guys!
Yesterday I took a friend of mine shopping with me, we went to a couple stores and it was her first real "couponing" shopping experience. She had never seen it done before, so off to Zellers we went. She needed makeup, and I wanted to do what any real couponer does, browse the CLEARANCE section!!! LOL I also gave my friend a coupon for 3$ off any 2 covergirl product which she thought was just GREAT! Here is what I got at zellers:
2x Crest pro health @ $2.00 each. Minus FPC = FREE
1 L'Oreal paris studio hair spray REG. 6.49. Clearance @ $3.00 Minus 2.00 coupon = $1.00
1 Betty crocker cake frosting(not in picture) @ 1.49 Minus $1.00 coupon = .49 Cents
Total with taxes = $2.40
Next stop, SOBEYS! I told my friend I only had 20$ with me and my total ran up into the 50$ mark. She looked scared. At the end of my transaction her and the cashier both joked about how they felt like they were on the "extreme couponers" show. LOL
2x Post cereal @ $4.49 Minus 2x $1.00 = $3.49 each (both come with FREE ice cream up to 5$ ANY brand coupons!)
2x Hamburger Helper @ $2.69 Minus 2x $1.00 = 1.69 each (both come with $3.00 off Ground beef coupons!)
2x 1 lbs Ground Beef @ $3.17 Minus 2x $3.00 off when you buy hamburger helper = .34 CENTS
1x Tub of Ice cream @ $3.99 Minus FPC = FREE
1x Betty crocker scallop potatoes @ $2.69 Minus $1.00 = $1.69
3x Minigo yogurt @ .99 Minus 3x $1.00 coupons = FREE +.03 ! (made 3 cents!!!!)
1x 350ct Huggies wipes refills(Big box) @ $15.99 Minus FPC = FREE
1x Swipper wet Refill @ $3.99 Minus $1.50 = $2.49
Everything in the picture cost me 19$ but I also got 2 coupons for FREE ice cream and 2 coupons for 3$ off more ground beef out of the shopping trip!!! You can't beat that! My daughter is the lovely model in the picture, she wanted to be with my "stuff" LOL <3
What is coupon Etiquette
When I first started couponing about 2 short years ago, I was overwhelmed with everything there is to learn. I didn't know there was a "right" and "wrong" way to coupon. In fact I new little on the subject at all. It's a lot to take in when you are first starting out, and it scares some people off. With all the hype on the new TV series "Extreme Couponers" I thought this would be a great time to go over some of the "rules" of couponing. As I do NOT condone what some of the women on that show have done.
1- Shelf clearing. Personally, It's not something I agree with unless there is only 3-4 items left. Taking 50-100 of one item and clearing the shelf is not only selfish, but greedy. When the shelf is cleared, nobody else can buy that item until it is restocked(if they even have more) and besides do you really need 100 mustard?deodorant?shampoo? Take some, and leave some for the rest. If you need 100 of one item, try going to different stores, or calling ahead to the manager and asking if they have extra stock to accommodate your purchase. There is nothing I hate more than knowing about a good sale, getting to the store and seeing the shelf empty.
2- Tear pads. Throughout stores, you may notice tear pads of coupons hanging on shelves. These are available to any customers who wish to take some. Key word there is SOME. There are people who take entire pads, which leaves nothing for the next shopper was looking to get a deal. You should only take as many as you can use before they expire. And in some cases, a few extra if you trade or give to family/friends. Under no circumstance should you take an entire pad unless the store TELLS you to take it. Sometimes they do this if they are close to expiry or if they have a new batch coming in.
3- Organization. It's simple, if you plan to be a couponer, you HAVE to be organized. Nobody wants to stand behind someone in line who is fumbling through there purse looking for their coupons, points cards, money etc. It's best to plan your shopping trips ahead of time, so you can have everything you need organized before you go. It makes shopping trips a lot more tolerable and will be beneficial to you, the cashier and others customers in the long run. Scour the weekly flyers, make a list, gather any coupons you plan on using and have them separate. I always bring my whole folder just in case I see something not advertised, but I have all my coupons and items organized once they are on the belt.
4- Coupon fraud. This is a topic very much in the lime light at the moment, in regards to TLC's "Extreme couponer" and one of the women using coupons fraudulently on national television. There are a lot of ways a coupon can be misused, and most coupons state in writing " misuse of this coupon constitutes as fraud" That being said, if you knowingly misuse a coupon you ARE breaking the law. It's not any different than stealing. Don't print a million copies of an online coupon, or photo copy them. If a coupon is expired, or for a specific brand/size, PLEASE don't try and pull a fast one on the cashier. Stores are not reimbursed for coupons accepted on wrong products. Therefor they lose money, and in turn change there policies which hurt all couponers in the end. There are plenty of deals and coupons out there to get substantial discounts. So there is no need to try and cheat the system.
5- Coupon Fairy. If you are in a store, and see something on sale that you have a coupon for but will never use. Feel free to leave it in a noticeable location near the item. Someone is bound to take advantage of the savings, and you get the benefit of knowing you helped someone.
So there you have it, a few tips and my opinions on what you SHOULD and SHOULDN'T do as a couponer.
1- Shelf clearing. Personally, It's not something I agree with unless there is only 3-4 items left. Taking 50-100 of one item and clearing the shelf is not only selfish, but greedy. When the shelf is cleared, nobody else can buy that item until it is restocked(if they even have more) and besides do you really need 100 mustard?deodorant?shampoo? Take some, and leave some for the rest. If you need 100 of one item, try going to different stores, or calling ahead to the manager and asking if they have extra stock to accommodate your purchase. There is nothing I hate more than knowing about a good sale, getting to the store and seeing the shelf empty.
2- Tear pads. Throughout stores, you may notice tear pads of coupons hanging on shelves. These are available to any customers who wish to take some. Key word there is SOME. There are people who take entire pads, which leaves nothing for the next shopper was looking to get a deal. You should only take as many as you can use before they expire. And in some cases, a few extra if you trade or give to family/friends. Under no circumstance should you take an entire pad unless the store TELLS you to take it. Sometimes they do this if they are close to expiry or if they have a new batch coming in.
3- Organization. It's simple, if you plan to be a couponer, you HAVE to be organized. Nobody wants to stand behind someone in line who is fumbling through there purse looking for their coupons, points cards, money etc. It's best to plan your shopping trips ahead of time, so you can have everything you need organized before you go. It makes shopping trips a lot more tolerable and will be beneficial to you, the cashier and others customers in the long run. Scour the weekly flyers, make a list, gather any coupons you plan on using and have them separate. I always bring my whole folder just in case I see something not advertised, but I have all my coupons and items organized once they are on the belt.
4- Coupon fraud. This is a topic very much in the lime light at the moment, in regards to TLC's "Extreme couponer" and one of the women using coupons fraudulently on national television. There are a lot of ways a coupon can be misused, and most coupons state in writing " misuse of this coupon constitutes as fraud" That being said, if you knowingly misuse a coupon you ARE breaking the law. It's not any different than stealing. Don't print a million copies of an online coupon, or photo copy them. If a coupon is expired, or for a specific brand/size, PLEASE don't try and pull a fast one on the cashier. Stores are not reimbursed for coupons accepted on wrong products. Therefor they lose money, and in turn change there policies which hurt all couponers in the end. There are plenty of deals and coupons out there to get substantial discounts. So there is no need to try and cheat the system.
5- Coupon Fairy. If you are in a store, and see something on sale that you have a coupon for but will never use. Feel free to leave it in a noticeable location near the item. Someone is bound to take advantage of the savings, and you get the benefit of knowing you helped someone.
So there you have it, a few tips and my opinions on what you SHOULD and SHOULDN'T do as a couponer.
Monthly savings
I know I'm a bit early with my monthly savings update, but I shouldn't have to do much more shopping this month. I have everything I need and THEN some!. Which is GREAT because it seems just months ago, I was wondering how I was going to get groceries next week. It's a wonderful feeling. This month my coupon saving total was: 181.00$ holy cripes! That is 399$ since January!!!! The numbers still shock me. It's really amazing the amount of money I am SAVING, yet my cupboards are full and I have extras!
Here is a picture of my teeny stockpile.
Here is a picture of my teeny stockpile.
I should be clean for a while... Olay!
I love my uncle by the way because he brought me shopping, and he took me to PHARMASAVE.
I was planning on using debit and the only money I had on me was 6.75$ in change(2 toonies and a bunch of quarters.. awesome lol) As soon as I walk in the door, the lady says "are you paying in cash? because our debit is down" ....what??
lol so I say "ok thats fine
" and start searching the store.
I wanted some KD (2 for 1$) but I didn't remember until I got to the cash and a family had like 40 boxes and was asking the cashier when they were getting more, so I am assuming they cleared the shelf, and with the line up, I didn't bother going to check lol. (loving uncle was waiting for me in the truck)
So I find the body wash, and see the tag "2.49$" and I instantly
I grab 8 bottles, and turn around and see the bounty paper towel on for 1.50(something I can't remember) packs of 2! So, I grab to packs and head to the cash.
She starts ringing my things in, and a line forms instantly. Great. With the systems being down, apparently the register was wonky as well, because she rang everything in like 4 or 5 times..
After about 15 minutes
she got it all sorted out and I paid 5.56$(3.56$ of that was tax) And, right now while I am typing this, I see I didn't even pay for the bounty
. She must have not rung it in the 20th time she rescanned everything. Crap.. now I feel bad....
Anyways, this turned into a novel, so here is the breakdown of the coupons used
2x 7.00$ wub(when you buy) 3 olay,secret,venus
1x 4.00 wub 2 olay,secret
1x 1.25 wub 2 bounty that I apparently didnt use or pay for?
PS the secret were free at atlantic super store... 1.99 each. I had another $7.00 wub 3 and $4.00 wub 2 coupon. They entered them both for there full amount so.. I made 1.05!.. =)
I was planning on using debit and the only money I had on me was 6.75$ in change(2 toonies and a bunch of quarters.. awesome lol) As soon as I walk in the door, the lady says "are you paying in cash? because our debit is down" ....what??
I wanted some KD (2 for 1$) but I didn't remember until I got to the cash and a family had like 40 boxes and was asking the cashier when they were getting more, so I am assuming they cleared the shelf, and with the line up, I didn't bother going to check lol. (loving uncle was waiting for me in the truck)
So I find the body wash, and see the tag "2.49$" and I instantly
I grab 8 bottles, and turn around and see the bounty paper towel on for 1.50(something I can't remember) packs of 2! So, I grab to packs and head to the cash.
She starts ringing my things in, and a line forms instantly. Great. With the systems being down, apparently the register was wonky as well, because she rang everything in like 4 or 5 times..
After about 15 minutes
Anyways, this turned into a novel, so here is the breakdown of the coupons used
2x 7.00$ wub(when you buy) 3 olay,secret,venus
1x 4.00 wub 2 olay,secret
1x 1.25 wub 2 bounty that I apparently didnt use or pay for?
PS the secret were free at atlantic super store... 1.99 each. I had another $7.00 wub 3 and $4.00 wub 2 coupon. They entered them both for there full amount so.. I made 1.05!.. =)
Making a Budget

.Most people run in the opposite direction when you say the word budget, because nobody likes spending barriers. But if your looking to save money successfully, reading this post is great step in the right direction!
Some of you may have heard of the T.V show "Til Debt Do Us Part" host by Gail vazoxlade. Well I have got good news. If you didn't know already, she has her very own website/blog with GREAT money saving tips, and even a simple PRINTABLE budget maker. The catagories are pre formed, you simply enter the numbers and it does the work.
This is a great start if you want to see in numbers where your money is going. Try the budget maker HERE
Also, feel free to check out the rest of her website! You won't be dissapointed with the usefull knowledge you find!
Happy Budgeting!
Monthly savings
So it's that time of the month again, I am checking in, because I just finished tallying up my receipts from this month, and as promised, I am here to report my savings!
I haven't had to do much shopping, because I had all the necessities and food that I needed for the month, so my grand total savings(coupon only of course, I don't include sale prices or mail in rebates in my saving totals) for this month is 68.00$!
I have a lot of great coupons expiring at the end of march, so I have some shopping to do this month.
This YEARS saving total 253.38$ !!! WOOHOO!!!
I haven't had to do much shopping, because I had all the necessities and food that I needed for the month, so my grand total savings(coupon only of course, I don't include sale prices or mail in rebates in my saving totals) for this month is 68.00$!
I have a lot of great coupons expiring at the end of march, so I have some shopping to do this month.
This YEARS saving total 253.38$ !!! WOOHOO!!!
Do you ever wonder where your disposable income is going? A lot of people don't realize you can save hundreds, THOUSANDS even, just by making slight adjustments to regular routine/life style. I have compiled a list of 50 ways you can save money. Happy Saving!
1- Cut out things that aren't a necessity(I personally don't have cable, and I only use a cell phone, the internet is my best friend.)
2- Don't grocery shop hungry, it leads to unnecessary purchases, and their usually junk food.
3- Pack a lunch. Whether your in school, or go to work, bring your lunch from home. Five dollars a day is 25$ a week. Face it, eating out ISN'T cheap.
4- Wash laundry in cold water. Hang clothes to dry. This will save your power bill.
5- Use Coupons, flyers, and sales to buy your everyday items as cheaply as possible.
6- Always grocery shop with a list. Nobody wants to buy things they don't need.
7- Don't pay to rent movies, check out your local library, there selection will surprise you, and it's FREE.
8- Set a Budget and STICK TO IT! Envelopes work great. Make categories and put the budgeted amount of cash in each envelope. One for rent, one for bills, one for food, one for entertainment etc. Don't borrow cash from one envie to another.
9- Avoid fast food.
10- Switch to energy saver lights. They are safer, and save money.
11- Carpool to work. You can share the gas expense, and save millage on your vehicle
12- Remember to shut your electronics when they aren't in use. (Lights, tv's, computers etc)
13- Buy things second hand. You would be surprised what you can find at a thrift stores!
14- Winter, open your curtains during the day = Free heat. (Given it's sunny) Summer, open your windows at night = cool air.
15- Old toothbrush = Mini scrub brush
16- Buy fruits in season.
17- Take advantage of reward programs. (Airmiles, HBC, Optimum etc) They all add up!
18- Instead of tossing ripped clothing, Sew them!
19- Give up expensive habbits(Drugs, Alcohol, Cigarettes, Gambling etc.)
20- Shop with CASH ONLY. Don't use credit card unless you plan to pay them off immediately.
21- Price match. A lot of stores will match a competitors advertised price if you bring in the flyer. So you don't need to shop at 10 stores, you get the cheapest price at one store. Saving gas, and time.
22- Holiday shop, immediately after holidays. Everything is discounted, and it will save you money when next year rolls around.
23- Save left overs, and actually EAT them.
24- Invest in a Deep Freeze. This will allow you to stock up on frozen goods when you see a good sale.
25- Find family activities that are free. Picnics at the park, nature hikes in the woods, tobogganing, camping etc.
26- Grow your own fruits and vegetables. It doesn't cost much to make your own little garden. It's nice to KNOW what your eating, and you can for a fraction of the cost you would spend buying the veggies at the grocery store.
27- Use public transportation. It's cheap, and eco friendly.
28- Regularly check the free section on Kijiji. People are constantly getting rid of things in perfect condition just because they upgrade. Or, if you need to buy something specific, try posting an add. You never know what someone might have for cheap!
29- Sell your old clothes/toys, to purchase new ones. Out with the old, in with the new without hurting your pocket.
30- Keep your car up to date. Regular oil change/tune ups will increase your gas milage.
31- Take advantage of your Mail In Rebates. Who doesn't want their money back for the cost of a postage stamp?
32- Make sure you check your receipts. A lot of stores items could be priced incorrectly, or scan items twice, or don't deduct coupons. If you notice something wrong on you receipt, bring it back and ask them to adjust the error. Nobody wants to pay more then the items price tag.
33- Invest in reusable bags. Most stores charge for plastic bags now, and not only do reusable ones hold a lot more, they last a LONG time, and they are eco friendly.
34- Pay your bills on time. Late fees and interest gets costly.
35- Shop at local farmers markets for cheap fresh produce.
36- Instead of buying single cups of coffee(Tim Hortons, Starbucks), make it at home and bring a thermas cup.
37- Buy meat on sale and freeze it immediately.
38- Water & Vinegar makes a great window/mirror cleaner.
39- Before you make an extreme purchase, sleep on it. You might not feel you need it as badly the next day.
40- Check the clearance racks in all stores. You never know what can be there for next to nothing.
41- If something is broken, try researching how to fix it yourself before calling a professional. It could be something simple you can do youself.
42- Make a change jar. Any change you have at the end of the day, put into this jar. Watch how fast it fills up!
43- Cook and bake from scratch. Way cheaper and better for you.
44- Cancel unused memberships/subscriptions. If your don't read the paper or you haven't been to the gym in months, stop paying for it!
45- Try negotiating a lower interest rate with your credit card company.
46- Make your own bread. This can save you a fortune.
47- If you have a swiffer sweeper or wet jet, use micro fiber clothes from the dollar store, they work as well as swipper pads, and if you use pliers, you can remove the lid to you wet jet solution, and refill it with your own cleaner.
48- Eat right, exercise and stay healthy. Good health keeps away medical bills related to illness.
49- Make your own birthday/holiday/thank your cards.
50- Deposit 10% of your net income into a savings account
1- Cut out things that aren't a necessity(I personally don't have cable, and I only use a cell phone, the internet is my best friend.)
2- Don't grocery shop hungry, it leads to unnecessary purchases, and their usually junk food.
3- Pack a lunch. Whether your in school, or go to work, bring your lunch from home. Five dollars a day is 25$ a week. Face it, eating out ISN'T cheap.
4- Wash laundry in cold water. Hang clothes to dry. This will save your power bill.
5- Use Coupons, flyers, and sales to buy your everyday items as cheaply as possible.
6- Always grocery shop with a list. Nobody wants to buy things they don't need.
7- Don't pay to rent movies, check out your local library, there selection will surprise you, and it's FREE.
8- Set a Budget and STICK TO IT! Envelopes work great. Make categories and put the budgeted amount of cash in each envelope. One for rent, one for bills, one for food, one for entertainment etc. Don't borrow cash from one envie to another.
9- Avoid fast food.
10- Switch to energy saver lights. They are safer, and save money.
11- Carpool to work. You can share the gas expense, and save millage on your vehicle
12- Remember to shut your electronics when they aren't in use. (Lights, tv's, computers etc)
13- Buy things second hand. You would be surprised what you can find at a thrift stores!
14- Winter, open your curtains during the day = Free heat. (Given it's sunny) Summer, open your windows at night = cool air.
15- Old toothbrush = Mini scrub brush
16- Buy fruits in season.
17- Take advantage of reward programs. (Airmiles, HBC, Optimum etc) They all add up!
18- Instead of tossing ripped clothing, Sew them!
19- Give up expensive habbits(Drugs, Alcohol, Cigarettes, Gambling etc.)
20- Shop with CASH ONLY. Don't use credit card unless you plan to pay them off immediately.
21- Price match. A lot of stores will match a competitors advertised price if you bring in the flyer. So you don't need to shop at 10 stores, you get the cheapest price at one store. Saving gas, and time.
22- Holiday shop, immediately after holidays. Everything is discounted, and it will save you money when next year rolls around.
23- Save left overs, and actually EAT them.
24- Invest in a Deep Freeze. This will allow you to stock up on frozen goods when you see a good sale.
25- Find family activities that are free. Picnics at the park, nature hikes in the woods, tobogganing, camping etc.
26- Grow your own fruits and vegetables. It doesn't cost much to make your own little garden. It's nice to KNOW what your eating, and you can for a fraction of the cost you would spend buying the veggies at the grocery store.
27- Use public transportation. It's cheap, and eco friendly.
28- Regularly check the free section on Kijiji. People are constantly getting rid of things in perfect condition just because they upgrade. Or, if you need to buy something specific, try posting an add. You never know what someone might have for cheap!
29- Sell your old clothes/toys, to purchase new ones. Out with the old, in with the new without hurting your pocket.
30- Keep your car up to date. Regular oil change/tune ups will increase your gas milage.
31- Take advantage of your Mail In Rebates. Who doesn't want their money back for the cost of a postage stamp?
32- Make sure you check your receipts. A lot of stores items could be priced incorrectly, or scan items twice, or don't deduct coupons. If you notice something wrong on you receipt, bring it back and ask them to adjust the error. Nobody wants to pay more then the items price tag.
33- Invest in reusable bags. Most stores charge for plastic bags now, and not only do reusable ones hold a lot more, they last a LONG time, and they are eco friendly.
34- Pay your bills on time. Late fees and interest gets costly.
35- Shop at local farmers markets for cheap fresh produce.
36- Instead of buying single cups of coffee(Tim Hortons, Starbucks), make it at home and bring a thermas cup.
37- Buy meat on sale and freeze it immediately.
38- Water & Vinegar makes a great window/mirror cleaner.
39- Before you make an extreme purchase, sleep on it. You might not feel you need it as badly the next day.
40- Check the clearance racks in all stores. You never know what can be there for next to nothing.
41- If something is broken, try researching how to fix it yourself before calling a professional. It could be something simple you can do youself.
42- Make a change jar. Any change you have at the end of the day, put into this jar. Watch how fast it fills up!
43- Cook and bake from scratch. Way cheaper and better for you.
44- Cancel unused memberships/subscriptions. If your don't read the paper or you haven't been to the gym in months, stop paying for it!
45- Try negotiating a lower interest rate with your credit card company.
46- Make your own bread. This can save you a fortune.
47- If you have a swiffer sweeper or wet jet, use micro fiber clothes from the dollar store, they work as well as swipper pads, and if you use pliers, you can remove the lid to you wet jet solution, and refill it with your own cleaner.
48- Eat right, exercise and stay healthy. Good health keeps away medical bills related to illness.
49- Make your own birthday/holiday/thank your cards.
50- Deposit 10% of your net income into a savings account
Who doesn't like FREE samples?
I don't know about you, but one of my favorite times of the day is 11:00am. Mail time. Although I hate the fact that I have a 5 minute hike to my box, It's usually worth it, because very rarely is my box empty. But anyway, back to the freebies.
A lot of companies, offer their customers a chance to try their product before they buy it, by sending out sample sizes of their products VIA good old fashioned snail mail. Only, not very many people know this. There are also companies that run promotions with freebies to help advertise there name, these you can also receive in the mail.
I have complied a list of different companies that send freebies(samples) right to your door. I have received everything off this list, so there is no fear of spam. If your willing to devote the time to sign up for the offers, you will be happy in a few short weeks when your mailbox is exploding with something OTHER than bills! =) Enjoy!
Mario Badescu skin care samples
Gooseberry Patch Cookbook
Being Girl Sample (Pads, Tampons)
Cloverleaf Tuna (Coupon for a free can)
Flexitol Samples
Lacoste fragrance sample
Lego magazine(Free subscription)
World Map
Myoflex Sample
Potty Training DVD
Potty Training kit(chart,stickers)
Procter & Gamble Samples (This ones AWESOME!)
Charmin Toilet roll extender
A lot of companies, offer their customers a chance to try their product before they buy it, by sending out sample sizes of their products VIA good old fashioned snail mail. Only, not very many people know this. There are also companies that run promotions with freebies to help advertise there name, these you can also receive in the mail.
I have complied a list of different companies that send freebies(samples) right to your door. I have received everything off this list, so there is no fear of spam. If your willing to devote the time to sign up for the offers, you will be happy in a few short weeks when your mailbox is exploding with something OTHER than bills! =) Enjoy!
Mario Badescu skin care samples
Gooseberry Patch Cookbook
Being Girl Sample (Pads, Tampons)
Cloverleaf Tuna (Coupon for a free can)
Flexitol Samples
Lacoste fragrance sample
Lego magazine(Free subscription)
World Map
Myoflex Sample
Potty Training DVD
Potty Training kit(chart,stickers)
Procter & Gamble Samples (This ones AWESOME!)
Charmin Toilet roll extender
Scubbing bubbles, Secret and Greenworks Oh my!
Took a quick pop into Zellers this evening and managed to score a few REALLY good deals! Check em out!
1x Scrubbing bubbles power spray - Reg. 8.99 - Sale - 5.99 Minus 5.00 coupon = .99 cents
1x Secret Flawless Deodorant - Reg. ? - Sale - 1.24 Minus 1.00 coupon = .24 cents
5x Greenworks products - Reg. 2.99 each - Sale. 1.99 each Minus 5$ off 3 Greenworks products coupon and 2x 1.50 off any 1 greenworks coupons = .39 cents EACH!!!
Grand total = 5.49$
1x Scrubbing bubbles power spray - Reg. 8.99 - Sale - 5.99 Minus 5.00 coupon = .99 cents
1x Secret Flawless Deodorant - Reg. ? - Sale - 1.24 Minus 1.00 coupon = .24 cents
5x Greenworks products - Reg. 2.99 each - Sale. 1.99 each Minus 5$ off 3 Greenworks products coupon and 2x 1.50 off any 1 greenworks coupons = .39 cents EACH!!!
Grand total = 5.49$
*Savings = 22$ + 850 HBC points*
Freebies for new/expectant mothers
For those of you who are expecting a new bundle of joy(or perhaps you just recently had one) First of all CONGRATULATIONS!!!! I would love to share with you some freebies for babies. Here is a list of some GREAT websites that offer; samples(formula,pablum) coupons, diapers, great brochures and some even have diaper bags ALL free of charge to new/expectant mothers. They are all from big name company's so don't worry about spam or being charged. I received each of these when I was pregnant, and the coupons sure helped when it came time to buy formula!
Nestle Baby
Heinz Baby
What is Swagbucks??
I think at some point, we have all tried to find ways to make money online, and to no avail, have been disappointed time and time again on these "get rich quick" schemes that are floating around. Luckily for us, I have done some research and found something that really pays out!
Believe it or not, you can actually make money searching the web, that's right! Most of us use google daily, some of us several times. So wouldn't it be awesome if we could earn money, doing something we already do? well, WE CAN. Let me introduce you to Swagbucks. =)
I have earned over 200$ in Amazon.ca gift cards since joining back in 09. There are many different ways to earn "Swagbucks" (not just searching the web) They have surveys, games, swagcodes, twitter trivia, random draws, referrals etc etc. So this is a good place to start if you are new to the "make money online world". Feel free to sign up HERE .
Here are some photos of things I received using Swagbucks:
Believe it or not, you can actually make money searching the web, that's right! Most of us use google daily, some of us several times. So wouldn't it be awesome if we could earn money, doing something we already do? well, WE CAN. Let me introduce you to Swagbucks. =)
I have earned over 200$ in Amazon.ca gift cards since joining back in 09. There are many different ways to earn "Swagbucks" (not just searching the web) They have surveys, games, swagcodes, twitter trivia, random draws, referrals etc etc. So this is a good place to start if you are new to the "make money online world". Feel free to sign up HERE .
Here are some photos of things I received using Swagbucks:
Monthly savings
Since it's a new year, I made a goal, that I wanted to track where my money is going a little more closely, saving receipts etc. I will check in here monthly to update my amount.
I'm not crazy organized in a spread sheet or anything, but since tallying up the amount I have saved in coupons (by adding up all my receipts) Since January 1st 2011 until today's date(Feb 6th), I have saved 150.38!!!!
This to me is a great accomplishment and I am very proud. I can't wait to see my savings ticker rise throughout the year! WOO HOO Go me!! Now, if only my fitness goals would pan out as nicely....ugh
I'm not crazy organized in a spread sheet or anything, but since tallying up the amount I have saved in coupons (by adding up all my receipts) Since January 1st 2011 until today's date(Feb 6th), I have saved 150.38!!!!
This to me is a great accomplishment and I am very proud. I can't wait to see my savings ticker rise throughout the year! WOO HOO Go me!! Now, if only my fitness goals would pan out as nicely....ugh
Pssst, Wanna know a secret?
I had to pick up some groceries before the "big storm" hits, so I headed over to Atlantic superstore and see if I could take advantage of some of their BOGO sales. I had well over 100$ worth of stuff easily, when he deducted the sales/coupons I only ended up paying 57.93$!
I actually even made money on these particular items;
6x Secret Deoderant * 1.99 each - 2x 7$ off when you buy 3
4x Campbells soup * 1.19 each - Buy 1 Get 1 Free - 2x 1$ off when you buy 2
Grand total (for just these items)
+ 1.68 <<< That's right, I MADE money getting these items free at the grocery store!
I actually even made money on these particular items;
6x Secret Deoderant * 1.99 each - 2x 7$ off when you buy 3
4x Campbells soup * 1.19 each - Buy 1 Get 1 Free - 2x 1$ off when you buy 2
Grand total (for just these items)
+ 1.68 <<< That's right, I MADE money getting these items free at the grocery store!
Great deals at Walmart
Last night, I had to make a quick trip to wally world. I only brought 10$ with me, so I had to watch what I spent. I didn't find a whole lot on clearance or anything, but I DID snag quite few awesome deals! Here is the breakdown of what I got;
Marc Angelo pork souvlaki * 8.00 - FPC = FREE
Fruit Loops * 3.97 (no coupons but its a big box so its a good price AND the box has coupons on it! which will in turn get me some FREE bananas, FREE blueberries/strawberries and some really cheap Eggo waffles! So it will pay for it self in soon time)
Smart 16 bread * 1.87 - 1.50 = .37 CENTS!
Hannah Montana cookies * 1.17
Grand Total = 5.51

Marc Angelo pork souvlaki * 8.00 - FPC = FREE
Fruit Loops * 3.97 (no coupons but its a big box so its a good price AND the box has coupons on it! which will in turn get me some FREE bananas, FREE blueberries/strawberries and some really cheap Eggo waffles! So it will pay for it self in soon time)
Smart 16 bread * 1.87 - 1.50 = .37 CENTS!
Hannah Montana cookies * 1.17
Grand Total = 5.51
So your new to couponing...
This will be a very important post for those of you who are just starting out in the "coupon world" I'm sure you have a TON of questions and probably have no idea where to begin finding answers. That's ok! Because I'm here to help!
So you have always wondered;
why would I bother wasting my time to clip a coupon for a few cents of something I buy, it's not worth my time or embarrassment at the cashier, I don't want to look poor?"
Au contraire my friend! What a lot of people don't realize, is that you aloud to use more than one coupon per shopping trip(NOT per item) AND you are also aloud to use coupons for items that are on sale. Which can chop your grocery bills in half if you do your homework. I personally am NOT embarrassed that I use coupons, and I don't care if the people standing inline behind me want to huff when they see me pull them out. They make several checkout lines for a reason. Saving myself money is more valuable to me then a strangers time.
I don't know where to find any coupons?
There are alot of different ways to build up a coupon collection in no time!
www.websaver.ca (will mail them to your home)
www.gocoupons.ca (will mail them to your home)
www.brandsaver.ca (will mail them to your home)
www.smartcanucks.ca (this one is a forum)
How would I keep so many coupons organized?
There are several different methods; A lot of newbies start out with a regular envelope, put the coupons they will use in there, and just keep that in their purse. This is practical if you don't plan on being an "extreme couponer"
Another alternative is an accordion file folder. These can be purchased at dollarama for like 1.25$ and they work AWESOME! You can customize the tabs however you like and they hold quite a few coupons(a couple hundred for sure)
And for the more advanced and well organized couponer, there is "The Binder" This is a VERY efficient way for anyone who plans on using coupons on a very regular basis. It holds a TON of coupons, you can store your scissors, flyers, store policies,calculator pretty much anything you MIGHT possibly need on your shopping trip. And it makes finding the coupons you need to use SUPER easy, it really sucks fumbling through a file folder in the middle of the store trying to find that 1 coupon in a pile of 200. It sucks, trust me.

What if the cashier won't accept my coupons? I KNOW I'm using them properly?
THIS is something EVERY couponer will experience at some point in there shopping life. There are not many people who use coupons, let alone more than one in a shopping trip. The discounts you can get using coupons is really jaw dropping and when cashiers see this, they don't think it's aloud. If a cashier is giving you a really hard time, you can ask to speak to a supervisor. A lot of the time they are able to resolve the issue, but NOT always. Some cashiers have a knack for making a customer using coupons feel like scum of the earth (I think there just jealous) but it's really not right, If the cashier is being difficult, supervisor is no help I will cancel my transaction, take my business to another store and send an email to head office. Of course this would be an extreme measure, but we can't let cashiers get away with treating us like crap. Is turn, we should be polite and respectful to them aswell, they ARE human beings, have feelings and a lot of the time they are just doing there job. It's the few bad apples you need to watch out for.
*more Q&A coming soon*
So you have always wondered;
why would I bother wasting my time to clip a coupon for a few cents of something I buy, it's not worth my time or embarrassment at the cashier, I don't want to look poor?"
Au contraire my friend! What a lot of people don't realize, is that you aloud to use more than one coupon per shopping trip(NOT per item) AND you are also aloud to use coupons for items that are on sale. Which can chop your grocery bills in half if you do your homework. I personally am NOT embarrassed that I use coupons, and I don't care if the people standing inline behind me want to huff when they see me pull them out. They make several checkout lines for a reason. Saving myself money is more valuable to me then a strangers time.
I don't know where to find any coupons?
There are alot of different ways to build up a coupon collection in no time!
- In store tear pads; You often see these hanging on the shelves in the store)
- Weekly newspapers; Every couple months there is usually an insert in your local newspaper,it could be Red plum, Brandsaver or Smart source. These are usually filled with good coupons that come in handy for getting things for dirt cheap or FREE.
- Emailing companies; Big name companies LOVE consumer feedback, especially when its positive! If there is a product your family can't live without, take a couple minutes to send them an email and tell them! You would be surprised what some of them will send you in return! This can be done by going to the companies website, and clicking on the "contact us" link somewhere on the main page.
- Trading online; There are a lot of different online forums in which you can ride "coupon trains". This is a GREAT way to get a lot of coupons you WANT and will use, and get rid of ones that you WONT use. One persons trash is another's treasure!
- Online; There are many different websites that offer coupons, via mail(free of charge) they come within 3-4 business days MAX. Or there are other sites that you can print coupons right at home. Here is a list of some of my favorite sites for coupons.
www.websaver.ca (will mail them to your home)
www.gocoupons.ca (will mail them to your home)
www.brandsaver.ca (will mail them to your home)
www.smartcanucks.ca (this one is a forum)
How would I keep so many coupons organized?
There are several different methods; A lot of newbies start out with a regular envelope, put the coupons they will use in there, and just keep that in their purse. This is practical if you don't plan on being an "extreme couponer"
Another alternative is an accordion file folder. These can be purchased at dollarama for like 1.25$ and they work AWESOME! You can customize the tabs however you like and they hold quite a few coupons(a couple hundred for sure)
And for the more advanced and well organized couponer, there is "The Binder" This is a VERY efficient way for anyone who plans on using coupons on a very regular basis. It holds a TON of coupons, you can store your scissors, flyers, store policies,calculator pretty much anything you MIGHT possibly need on your shopping trip. And it makes finding the coupons you need to use SUPER easy, it really sucks fumbling through a file folder in the middle of the store trying to find that 1 coupon in a pile of 200. It sucks, trust me.
What if the cashier won't accept my coupons? I KNOW I'm using them properly?
THIS is something EVERY couponer will experience at some point in there shopping life. There are not many people who use coupons, let alone more than one in a shopping trip. The discounts you can get using coupons is really jaw dropping and when cashiers see this, they don't think it's aloud. If a cashier is giving you a really hard time, you can ask to speak to a supervisor. A lot of the time they are able to resolve the issue, but NOT always. Some cashiers have a knack for making a customer using coupons feel like scum of the earth (I think there just jealous) but it's really not right, If the cashier is being difficult, supervisor is no help I will cancel my transaction, take my business to another store and send an email to head office. Of course this would be an extreme measure, but we can't let cashiers get away with treating us like crap. Is turn, we should be polite and respectful to them aswell, they ARE human beings, have feelings and a lot of the time they are just doing there job. It's the few bad apples you need to watch out for.
*more Q&A coming soon*
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